Now that Fall is here and we’re thinking about planting for the winter season, you should know about how to extend your growing season. One really simple and effective product is light weight material called a row cover. You simply lay the material over your plants or vegetable beds. Floating Row Covers protect plants from […]
Let the Rains Fall and Fertilize our Favorite Food (Crops)
In California we have a long, dry summer. When the rains come in the Fall it is truly time for rejoicing. But, the rain isn’t just water, it’s also incredibly useful fertilizer. You may have noticed that your plants really perk up after a rain. Much more so than just using your irrigation system. The […]
Welcome to the World of Edible Landscaping
The Edible Landscape Edible landscaping is the type of garden design I’ve been doing for 35 years. With landscaping ideas based on the principals of organic, sustainable and beautiful, I will pass on my hard earned lessons to those who are ready for the edible journey. Scroll down the page for all the entries, […]
How to Plant Fall Bulbs for Spring Flowering in your Edible Landscape
Bulbs are easy to plant and care for and require little water. All of the bulbs below are also deer resistant. You can plant them with impunity, knowing that they’ll be there for you in the Spring. Fall is the time to plant many bulbs in your garden. They will grow over the winter […]
How to Choose Tools You’ll Need for the Fall Garden
Tools that will make your life in the garden a little easier. For the Fall Garden clean up it’s important to have some good tools. The stronger and sharper your tools, the easier and better your work will be. These are a few of the ones I simply can’t live without. Long handled loppers give […]
Put the Right Plant, in the Right Place, at the Right Time
When planning your edible landscape design, you need to consider that every plant has its Right Place, both aesthetically and for its growing needs and its Right Time for planting. Before planting be sure to find out what are the best conditions for your plant and when is the best time to plant. Just as […]
How to Prepare for Fall in your Edible Landscape
Whether you live on the East Coast , the West Coast or in between it’s time to prepare for the winter. As the days get shorter and the nights longer, everyone needs to put their gardens to sleep. This means different things in different parts of the country. In the West Coast, Southwest and South […]
Food for All Senses – Landscape Design for all Your Buds, Taste and Otherwise
When designing a garden, you want to consider all your senses. In this post on landscape design I talk about landscaping for all your senses: sight, smell, hearing and taste. The first sense is visual. What looks pleasing can vary widely between people. Some people prefer clean, formal lines, some prefer the wild and wooly […]
Easy Composting for the Edible Landscape
Composting is one of my favorite subjects. How many ways can you take garbage and turn it into gold. The only way I know is by composting your kitchen and yard waste and getting Garden Gold as the result. There are few additions to the garden that are as useful as compost. You can’t use […]
How to Kill Your Plants with Kindness-
All plants do not require the same care. This may seem like an obvious statement, but really how much do you know about what your plants really need? Many herbs that we commonly grow and use are from the Mediterranean area. They need lots of sun and low rainfall and well drained, rocky soil. Lavender, […]
To Weed (Barrier) or not to Weed (Barrier)
In this post I want to address the issue of weed barriers. Most garden supply stores will sell rolls of weed cloth made from polyethylene. It may have holes to allow water and air through it, but it is not biodegradable and will not break down. It will break up, however, leaving you with lots […]
How to Sheet Mulch Your Edible Landscape
Sheet Mulching for the Edible Landscape: What is sheet mulching? Simply put, it is putting several different layers of materials on your soil to get rid of your lawn, weeds and unwanted plants. It consists of manure, cardboard and mulch. You can use different kinds of manure and different mulches. The main purpose is to […]
Native Plants in the Edible Landscape
In California we have many wonderful native plants that can be used in the garden. In the Edible Landscape, not all plants have to be edible for humans. But they should be appropriate to the site, soil, moisture conditions and your aesthetic considerations. The plant in the photo above, is the California Manzanita, Arctostaphylos densiflora. […]
Heirloom Seed Companies for the Edible Landscape
SEEDS, SEEDS AND MORE SEEDS I recommend that you get seeds that are easy to germinate, will have excellent taste, and that are organically grown. Heirloom seeds have been used and grown by generations of gardeners and deemed worthy. They are also open pollinated and not hybridized. This means if you let your plants go […]
Heirloom Foods in the Edible Landscape
On Tuesday, September13, I went to the Heirloom Exposition in Santa Rosa, California. It was truly amazing. There were many vendors from seed companies, tool companies, produce, nurseries, irrigation, master gardeners, farms, gardens, restaurants. And everyone there was interested in healthy, organic food. The ripple of movement towards healthy food is becoming a tidal wave. […]