By Avis Licht It’s been confusing to a lot of people for a long time. What is the difference between Marjoram and Oregano? Not exactly a life changing question, but certainly one that (at least some) gardeners need answered. The oregano tribe includes plants that are called both marjoram and oregano. Both are from the […]
Herbs in Containers – Lemon Verbena for your Edible Landscape
by Avis Licht Growing your own herbs for tea and flavorings is easy and satisfying. Many herbs can be grown in pots and brought inside in the winter, to give you fresh, delicious taste. In the next series of posts I’ll go through a variety of my favorite herbs. Today’s is about Lemon Verbena. This […]
What Frost Will Do to Your Edible Landscape
by Avis Licht Some plants actually like a bit of frost. Knowing what to plant for the winter garden will help you be successful. And all frost is not created equal. A little frost on the plants, like the strawberries in the picture above, doesn’t hurt many plants. Prolonged cold below freezing can cause […]
How to Pick a Blueberry Variety for your Edible Landscape
Blueberries are one of the best plants you can choose for your edible landscape. They are easy to grow, beautiful in all seasons, and give absolutely delicious and nutritious fruit. By growing your own organic blueberries you can be sure they are the best and the safest. There are a few things you need to […]
Helpful Kitchen Accessories for the Gardener
In a previous post I wrote about herbal teas from the garden and the fun of having nice tea pots. Here is a glass teapot that really shows off your tea. There are many wonderful reasons to grow your own food. But when we harvest the bounty of onions or potatoes, we’re also left with […]
Reflections on the Garden in Winter
We’ve had frost in the garden the last few mornings, bright sunshine during the day. Different plants are trying to figure out what they’re supposed to be doing. Most of the leaves have fallen off the roses, but still there are a few amazing blooms. Go to sleep or wake up. It’s a confusing time […]
Sheet Mulching- Winter is a good time to start
Sheet mulching is the simple act of layering greens,(weeds, garden greens, kitchen waste), cardboard, manure (although not absolutely necessary) and mulch. By doing this over the winter, you allow decomposition of weeds and the proliferation of worms under cover of cardboard. Use sheet mulching instead of digging. It saves your back and brings new fertility […]
December Projects for the Winter Garden
December is a good month to put the final finishing touches to the year’s garden. Dormant spraying, winter protection of tender plants and planting head the list of December garden projects. Soon it will be time to prune deciduous trees and shrubs. DORMANT SPRAYING – November, December, January and early February are the months to […]
Winter Work Attire for your Edible Landscape
Whether the weather is windy or whether the weather is cold, we gardeners still love to be outside. Winter rarely holds us back. But still, even an Englishman needs warm attire for the cold and rainy days. A good pair of gloves can almost literally save your life. Ok, maybe not your life, but certainly […]
Easy Ways to Preserve Your Harvest
Well, I have to confess, I didn’t grow all these squash. But it is quite an impressive pile. My own harvest was much more modest. I am not interested in spending time in a hot kitchen boiling and canning massive amounts of food. I definitely lean towards the quick and easy solutions. For preserving some […]
How to Make Composting Easier
It’s always a challenge to get those kitchen scraps and old food from the refrigerator into the compost pile. You need something right on counter to throw those trimmings into until it’s time to take the long walk outside. Actually, it shouldn’t be a long walk. If it’s snowing or raining, you want that compost […]
What to Plant in the Winter – For your Edible Landscape
Lettuce seedlings can be planted in winter. Plant your seedlings in a sunny well drained site Although we’re almost to the shortest day of the year, it’s still possible to work and plant in your winter garden, at least in some parts of the United States. You can look out your window and see […]
Giving Thanks in the Garden
We give thanks for the gift of having a garden At this time of year when we celebrate winter holidays we give thanks for the our family and friends. For those of us with a dry roof and warm home, we have much to be thankful for. If on top of that we have […]
How to Make the Best Applesauce
To paraphrase the saying, When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, I say, When apples are falling all around your head, Make Applesauce! But not just any applesauce. This recipe has a magic ingredient. It’s late Fall, cold and raining. You could be sitting by the fire listening to music. Cutting apples. It’s not a […]
Herbs for Teas and Teapots for Herbs
One of the easiest edibles to produce in your own home garden is a drinkable. Herbal teas are easy to grow, delicious and good for you. One can always buy dried tea at the store, but fresh herb tea is another thing altogether. The fragrance and aroma goes straight to the brain and release those […]