by Avis Licht
At the end of the summer we’re always left with a bunch of unripe tomatoes. The nights are cold, it rains, the plants start to rot. It seems like such a shame to lose those tomatoes. I was looking around the internet and found a number of yummy recipes for green tomatoes.
This recipe is a combination of several good ones. If you have left over sweet peppers you can use them and then add a little cayenne to the recipe to spice it up or down, just the way you like it.
Follow the pictures for each step and the recipe is written out at the bottom of the post.
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1. Preheat oven to 350 deg F. Chop green tomatoes, onions, peppers and garlic in chunks.
2. Toss tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic with olive oil, salt and sugar in a bowl.
3. Roast in 350 deg oven for about 30 minutes until soft.
4. Chop your vegetables into small pieces.
5.Put these veggies into the bowl with avocados, lime juice, salt, chopped cilantro and cumin. Mix well.
There you have it. 40 minutes and you’ve got yourself an incredible dish. Make it spicy hot or not, as you like it. A great way to use those green tomatoes and you don’t even have to fry them!
Here it is:
- 4 medium green tomatoes
- 2 small red peppers (hot or not)
- 1 onion – peeled and chunked
- 3 – 4 cloves pressed garlic
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- dash salt
- sprinkle of sugar
- 2 avocados
- juice from a lime
- a little more salt
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
- chopped cilantro – 1/4 cup
1. Preheat oven to 350 deg. Chop tomatoes, onion and pepper and toss with olive oil, salt and sugar.
2. Spread on lined baking tray. Roast for 30 – 35 minutes until softened.
3. Chop vegetables into small pieces.
4. In bowl, smash the avocados, salt, lime juice and mix with chopped vegetables. Add the cilantro and cumin. Taste for flavor.
5. Enjoy as dip with chips or raw vegetables. My family took care of that bowl in no time.